Ultra prime brand for an ultra prime property developer

BJBABB - Luxury Property Development

BJBABB - Luxury Property Development

The challenge

To find the route to market for an ultra-niche, high-end property developer.

Our approach

Defining the target audience is one of the most important bits of research required to inform the marketing and brand strategy. BJBabb stands head and shoulders above its competitors in terms of quality and services, but when it comes to its visual brand, things did not align.

Cross Origin discussed various ways to communicate BJBabb’s offering and realised the business needed a refined identity drawing on its work and a digital presence that demonstrates its reflexed style, quality and craftsmanship.

The outcome

“Since working with Tim and Piero we now understand how to separate our services and target the right audience with the communications material that help us do that. Not only have they provided us with a brand and website we are proud to go to market with, they also helped us understand what we need to do to develop the business. We are now looking at developing multiple arms to our business for our joinery and mechanical services and Cross Origin has armed us with the brand assets to do that.”

Mark Oliver – Business Manager


Market Research / Brand Research / Visual Concepts / Brand Identity / UX-UI Design / Website Development / Print Design / Video Production / Art Direction

Bjbabb Stationery
BJBabb, Staff management portal - Cross Origin

Specialists in fine residential properties

BJBabb - Brand strategy, Web development

“I ran it by Brian and he, in his usual two word reply said very good”!